Why you're a fool if you don't open an ISA account in Korea.

The ISA I use is from Mirae Asset Securities, so I will explain based on this.

1. Tax savings

No matter what anyone says, savings are the key.

Tax avoidance is a must in the tax nation.

Aren't you aware of the fear of the inverted pyramid of low birth rate and aging population?

Investment profits generated from the ISA account are tax-free up to KRW 4 million in the case of ordinary people and farmers and fishermen, and the excess is tax-saving by applying a low rate of 9.9%.

2. Tax savings

savings in other areas.

General accounts are usually subject to tax on each sale gain.

The ISA account pays tax by 'adding up' the trading profit that occurred in this account.

For example, if you made two transactions, one is -10 million won and the other is +5 million won, you have to pay the tax for all 5 million won, but when you trade with an ISA account, it becomes -5 million won and you do not have to pay tax. . I'm still sad about the ship, but I can avoid the situation where I have to pay more taxes.

3. Fee

There are three types of ISA accounts.

Intermediary type Trust type Delegate type

The trust type is an account that is used for deposits as well.

Discretionary management is a method in which the fund manager completely entrusts the management.

Instead, it costs a lot of money to operate.

The trust type and the discretionary type usually have a lot of 'brokerage' types because commissions come out.

Instead of buying and selling by yourself, there is no management fee.



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